Inspiring kids to love music

Inspiring kids to love music

~Shannon F.

Julia is absolutely passionate and enthusiastic about music. Her love for the art is evident in her teaching techniques. Her enthusiasm carries over to my daughter. I could not have asked for a better teacher. I highly recommend Julia!

~Alison C.

Julia is a wonderful teacher. I highly recommend her. She is an incredible, highly-trained musician herself, and her studio is very organized and well-run. she is great with children and is able to find a balance with challenging them and also making music fun. You won't find a better piano teacher. I recommend her whole-heartedly.

~Stephanie A.

Julia and her teachings are the epitome of professionalism. My children have learned more, have been encouraged more in the 8-9 months of Pianoforte Studio than they had in 3-4 yrs at previous lessons. Julia is consistent, talented, positive and motivating. We are honored to be in Miss Julia's piano family!

~Judy L.

I highly recommend Pianoforte Studio! Julia Takeoka is a wonderful teacher. My son has been taking lessons for three years and we are very pleased with his progress. Julia is a true teacher. She constantly comes up with new ways to inspire and challenge her students. She is encouraging and motivating.

~Christie G.

Your summer camp was an amazing experience for my two boys. they had no desire to learn piano prior to the camp, but after camp, they were both excited about piano and have been practicing the skills you taught them, telling their friends, and showing such great progress!

~Malachi L. (student)

Miss Julia is a great piano teacher who adds fun and creativity to our lessons. She makes up great themes and projects to do throughout the year. 

~Jolie A. (student)

Miss Julia is the best teacher EVER! We have [group classes] once in awhile. They are very fun. We get to make projects and learn more about music by playing games. She also makes us yummy treats! If you want a very professional teacher, go to Miss Julia!

Growing up, I remember the EXCITEMENT of finally mastering a difficult piece (and then playing it over and over again!), improvising for the very first time, and performing duets with other pianists!

Playing the piano is often where I feel God's pleasure, and I'm so thankful for the opportunity He's given me to share my love of music with my students, with the goal that they will also experience the joy of making music throughout their lives!                                                                                                                  ~Julia



I love music, and I love working with children. It is truly a privilege to be able to combine these two passions into my career as a music teacher. 

I have a B.A. in Music from Thomas Edison State University. I am also a member of MTNA and CAPMT.

Outside of music, I also enjoy reading, serving in my church, history, traveling, learning about other cultures (especial-ly the food!), volleyball, and spending time in the beautiful outdoors.

About Julia

In addition to being involved in activities at the studio, the students of Pianoforte Studio are also actively using their musical skills for events outside the studio, including:


In addition to being involved in activities at the studio, the students of Pianoforte Studio are also actively using their musical skills for events outside the studio, including:

   • composing music for various ensembles
   • accompanying church congregations
   • performing in concerts for charity
   • providing background music for special
   • participating in music competitions
   • preparing for  Certificate of Merit evaluations

The Students

   -composing music for various         ensembles
   -accompanying church 
   -performing in concerts for 
   -providing background music
     for special events
   -participating in music
   -preparing for Certificate of
     Merit evaluations

As a teacher, I believe that I am responsible for developing each student's music potential to the best of my ability. Whether or not my students pursue music professionally, my goal is that they will have all the tools they need to continue to be successful musicians even

Teaching Philosophy

As a teacher, I believe that I am responsible for developing each student's music potential to the best of my ability. Whether or not my students pursue music professionally, my desire is that they will have all the tools they need to continue to be successful musicians even after they have discontinued lessons.

Overall, I hope my students will develop a commitment to excellence in music and a life-long love for music. I strongly believe this is only possible through the dedication of the student, his parents, and the teacher. 

after they have discontinued lessons. Overall, I hope my students will develop a commitment to excellence in music and a life-long love for music. I strongly believe this is only possible through the dedication of the student, his parents, and the teacher. 

Kids enjoy music, but despite the best of intentions, they can often view piano lessons as "just more homework" or another task "to check off their list."

At Pianoforte Studio, my mission is to inspire students with creative, fun, and innovative learning during the lesson, while not compromising on the quality of instruction.

Kids enjoy music, but despite the best of intentions, they can often view piano lessons as "just more homework" or another task "to check off their list."

At Pianoforte Studio, my mission is to inspire students with creative, fun, and innovative learning during the lesson, while not compro-mising on the quality of instruction.


This innovative program is designed to maximize the learning potential of the student during the lesson, making practicing at home easier and more enjoyable!

     • Has been shown to dramatically improve a student’s sight-reading skills—the #1 skill that
       students need to learn music quickly. 
     • Helps students move through their books faster.
     • Allows students to learn more music each week, which translates into faster completion time.
     • Includes proven practice techniques so home practice is all about review and increasing speed.
     • Students are taught in a manner that promotes independence from the beginning.

Other options include 45 minute and 1 hour private lessons. 

Pianoforte Studio is located just 15 minutes from downtown Grass Valley.

To inquire for availability: 

Accelerated Piano Lab

This innovative program is designed to maximize the learning potential of the student during the lesson, making practicing at home easier and more enjoyable!

Other options include 45 minute and 1 hour private lessons.

Pianoforte Studio is located just 15 minutes from downtown Grass Valley.

To inquire for availability:

Click Here

•  Has been shown to            
   dramatically improve a
   student’s sight-               
   reading skills.
•  Helps students move     
    through their books faster.
•  Allows students to   
   learn more music each
•  Students are taught in a 
   manner that promotes 
   independence from the  

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Registration is closed for this year's summer music camp, but stay tuned for information on future camps! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Registration is closed for this year's summer music camp, but stay tuned for information on future camps! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Music Camps

Check out videos of some of our previous camps!






